Digital Privacy +
Digital Ownership =
Digital Independence.
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Threats to civil liberties only ever come a few [bytes] at a time.
Travesty is developing a personal server to make it easier for you to take control of your digital life.
A personal server is a computer you run in your home or office that can host common services like photo sharing and messaging applications. Instead of connecting to sites run by big tech companies, you will be able to share photos, post content, send messages, and back up data by connecting to a server you own and control.
Share photos without uploading them to big tech servers.
Post content without worrying whether it will be censored by big tech.
Send and receive messages without big tech monitoring your communications.
Back up your data without relying on big tech to keep it safe.
"People don’t want to run their own servers, and never will."
- Moxie Marlinspike
"What important truth do few people agree with you on?"
- Peter Thiel
Take back your digital life.
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